Sacred Sidra


Tasting Notes: As one of our most precious offerings, Sacred Sidra is sure to be a conversation-starter with its unique notes of strawberry, grape jelly, and yogurt.

Relatable to wine drinkers because it has that licorice feel. After taste is lingering and smooth. A tart juicy. Balance of fruit with a tart finish. Tart juicy is a good way to describe the mouthfeel.

Our coffee is an invitation. An invitation to explore and identify your own experience with flavor. Taste something different? Why not take a look at the flavor wheel, and try to identify the different notes that best represent your own experience?


Pitalito, Huila

Huila is one of the largest coffee-producing regions in Colombia. The mountainous region is located in the Southwest and is home to the towering Nevado del Huila volcano. That means the producers benefit from the area’s unique climactic diversity and nitrogen-rich volcanic soil. Although Huila produces nearly 18% of Colombia’s coffee, its claim to fame isn’t just about quantity; it’s a leader in quality as well. In 2013, it even received the Denomination of Origin status – the same status awarded to champagne, Manchego cheese, and many other foods and beverages with unique, location-specific characteristics. The coffee’s bright acidity, sweetness, medium body, and aromatic profiles make it a favorite region amongst roasters and baristas.


Bourbon Sidra

While the Sidra varietal is not as well-known as the Gesha, it comes with a similar level of prestige. It’s become increasingly prominent in World Coffee Championship events where competitors are seeking out interesting, lesser-known coffees to show off their skills. While the exact origin and genetic identity of Sidra is difficult to pinpoint, it’s generally known for its consistently high cup quality and high levels of sweetness. As one of the most exciting coffee varietals of the moment, you can expect dynamic flavors and a well-rounded, velvety mouthfeel.


The whole cherry undergoes to anaerobic fermentation with yeasts for 80 hours at an average temperature of 40 degrees celsius. It was then placed on raised beds until the ideal moisture content is achieved. 18 - 24 hours of mechanical drying as an initial stage to reduce the amount of water by 50-40% and then solar drying for approximately 10 days.


Light Medium

Brew Guide

Pour Over

For pour over coffee, a recommended ratio is 1:16, which means using 1 gram of coffee grounds for every 16 grams of water. Approximately 3 tablespoons of coffee for every 10 ounces of water. This ratio provides a well-balanced brew with optimal extraction, while still allowing for personal taste preferences. Here is a breakdown of the ratio:

Dose: 12g

Ratio: 1:16

Water: 200g at 200°F

Grind: medium-fine grind size

Bloom: 50g / wait 40 sec

Pours : 3x50g

Target End Time: 2:30-3:30

Heater water to 200°F and rinse your filter before putting your coffee grounds in. Fully saturate your coffee grounds with 50g of water, wait 40 seconds for the bloom. After the bloom continue your circle pour ending slowly in the center 3 x 50g. Finish the brew with a total brew time in 2:30-3:30 min.

Take a moment, smell the aroma of all the flavors, decant and enjoy.

French Press Recipe

Ratio: 1:12.5

Dose: 40g

Water: 500g at 205°F

 1. Pour the water first

2. Put the coffee and stir

3. At 1min30, break the crust and stir

4. At 2:45, scoop out floating grounds

5. At 3:30, plunge/press slowly

 Take a moment, smell, decant and enjoy.


Founder Says

“Sidra is one of my favorite coffees and I remember the moment I tried it, I was blown away with the aroma and flavors. I was so excited to bring it back to the states and share it with my family. I will never forget sending a bag to my brother-in-law in Tennessee and talking to him for over 30 minutes about this incredible coffee. As one of the most exciting varietals on the market, it’s a source of constant conversation and inspiration for me.”
